Thanks for purchasing the Brad Ross Ultimate Magic Kit. In addition to the instructions included with the tricks in the set – here are some additional instructions.
- Before you do your show put the 3 cups in a line on your table. Put a ball into the middle cup. This will be the secret ball.
- Put the middle cup into the cup on your right then put the cup on the left on top of the middle cup. Now all 3 cups should be stacked together.
- Put the other 3 balls into the top cup.
- During your show, keeping the stack of cups together in one hand tip the 3 balls in the top cup out.
- Line up the balls in a straight line.
- Remove the bottom cup from the stack. Make sure to keep the mouth facing up and towards you so no one can see what’s inside.
- Turn the cup upside down and place it behind one of the balls.
- Do the same thing for the second cup but be careful with this one. This is the one that has the secret ball in it. You may have to practice this several times in order to do it smoothly so the ball doesn’t drop out and no one can see it.
- Put this second cup behind the middle ball.
- Do the same thing for the last cup and put it behind the last ball.
For your first trick using the cups and balls you will amaze your audience by showing them that you can make the ball pass through plastic.
To do this trick:
- Do all the steps mentioned in the Cups and Balls trick above.
- Put the ball in front of the middle cup on top of the middle cup. Remember – underneath the middle cup is the secret ball so don’t move or lift the cup.
- Put the cup on the right over the ball and middle cup.
- Put the cup on the left onto the stack.
- Wave your magic wand over the cups and say, “Abracadabra!”
- Now lift the stack of 3 cups. Make sure to keep them together as a stack.
- There will be a ball on the table. Your audience will see that you could make the ball pass through the cup!
For this trick you will add another ball my magic to the first ball.
To do this trick:
- After you are finished with Cups and Balls Trick #1 turn the stack of cups over so the mouths are facing up.
- Remove the bottom cup and set it to the right of the ball that magically passed through plastic in the last trick. Put the cup with its mouth down.
- Removing the cup now on the bottom of the stack put it mouth down over the ball. Remember – this is the cup that has the secret ball in it! Make sure the audience doesn’t see the ball.
- Place the last cup, mouth down, to the left.
- Put one of the 2 balls still visible on top of the middle cup. Next, take one of the two pom-poms kept on the table and place it on top of the middle cup.
- Put the cup on the right on top of the ball and middle cup, mouth down.
- Put the cup on the left on top of the stack, mouth down.
- Tell the audience “Now I will make the second ball join the first one.”
- Wave your magic wand and say, “Abracadabra!”
- Life the whole stack up. Your audience will now see 2 balls instead of just one!
For this trick you will add a 3rd ball to the first two you have made appear by magic.
To do this trick:
- After you are finished with Cups and Balls Trick #2 turn the stack of cups over so the mouths are facing up.
- Remove the bottom cup and set it to the right of the 2 balls that magically appeared. Set the cup on the table with its mouth down.
- Remove the cup now on the bottom of the stack and put it mouth down over the 2 balls. Remember – this is the cup that has the secret ball in it! Make sure the audience doesn’t see the ball.
- Place the last cup, mouth down, to the left.
- This time you will change how you stack the cups. Say to your audience, “This time I will make a ball pass through not just one cup but two cups!”
- Put the cup on the right on top of the middle cup, mouth down.
- Put the ball on top of this cup.
- Put the cup on the left on top of the stack of cups, mouth down.
- Wave your magic wand and say “Abracadabra!”
- Lift the whole stack up. Your audience will now see all 3 balls!
Now for the big WOW that makes a spectacular end to the Cups and Balls tricks.
To do this trick:
- After you finish Cups and Balls Trick #3 turn the stack of cups over so the mouths are facing up.
- Remove the last cup from the bottom of the stack and turn it mouth down over the 3 balls. Remember! This is the cup that has the secret ball in it. Make sure the audience doesn’t see the ball when you turn the cup over.
- Remove the cup now on the bottom of the stack and put it, mouth down, to the right of the middle cup.
- Put the last cup, mouth down, to the left.
- Put the cup on the right on top of the middle cup, mouth down.
- Put the cup on the left on top of the stack, mouth down.
- Say “I have an invisible ball in my pocket that I will make appear and join the others just for you.”
- Pretend to take an invisible ball out of your pocket and put it on the top of the stack of cups.
- Wave your magic wand and say “Abracadabra!”.
- Life the stack of cups. There are now four balls for your audience to see! Pass the cups around so your audience can see there is nothing special about the cups at all.
This is a super fun misdirection trick to do. With this trick you will pass a cup through your table but your audience will think you are going to make the ball disappear through it.
This trick requires a cup, a ball and a sheet of paper.
To do this trick:
- Tell your audience that you will make the ball pass through the table. Make a big deal about how solid the table is and how you are going to make the ball go through it completely and will reappear under the table.
- Place the ball on the table.
- Cover the ball with the cup.
- Cover the cup with the sheet of paper and mold the paper around the cup so the paper now has the form of the cup.
- Lift the paper and cup off the ball so you can show the ball to your audience. As you do bring the paper and cup towards you and down. When the end of the paper is even with the table edge and over your lap loosen your grip so the cup falls into your lap.
- Put the paper which still has the outline of the cup over the ball.
- Say “I’m now going to send the ball through the table.”
- Smash the paper.
- Your audience will be amazed that the cup is gone!
- Say “Oops. I pushed too hard! The ball didn’t go through but the cup did.”
- Reach under the table and bring the cup in your lap back to the table.
For this trick use 2 of the balls from the cups and balls trick.
This is a prop that seems very simple when you first look at it but don’t be fooled. It is a great crowd pleaser as everyone wants to make money and you will show them how to make money from thin air. It will seem like there are only 2 pieces to this prop so make sure before you begin you get the secret top out of the larger piece.
This trick consists of the larger piece, the secret top, the base piece and a coin.
To do this trick:
- Before you begin your show put a coin on the base then cover it with the secret top.
- At your magic show, show your audience that there is nothing on the top for them to see. It is completely empty.
- Press the larger prop piece onto the base piece with secret top on it.
- Say “Abracadabra!”
- Remove the larger piece and the secret top will remain in the larger piece. Your audience will now see the coin.
This is another trick you can do with the same prop you used in the Make Money Trick. For this one you will make the coin vanish into thin air.
To do this trick:
- Start with the secret top already on the base piece.
- Put a coin on top.
- Cover the coin and base piece with the larger piece.
- Say “Give me the money!”
- Remove the larger piece. The coin will have vanished.
For this trick do the Vanishing Coin trick but before your show have a coin that is the same as the one you are using in the Vanishing Coin trick (ex: a penny, a dime, etc.) in your pocket.
To do this trick:
- Place the same type of coin you are using for the Vanishing Coin trick in your pocket before the show starts.
- Do the Vanishing Coin trick.
- Say “Where did the coin go? Does anyone know?”
- Wave your magic wand and say “Money reappear!”
- Remove the coin from your pocket.
This is another variation of the Vanishing Coin Reappears trick. Before your show slip the same coin into someone else’s pocket without them knowing it. This works best on a coat or vest pocket.
To do this trick:
- Place the same type of coin you are using for the Vanishing Coin trick in someone else’s pocket before the show starts. Make sure they don’t see you doing this!
- Do the Vanishing Coin Reappears trick.
- After you remove the coin from your pocket, say “I like to double my money.”
- Wave your magic wand and say “Double my money!” then ask the person whose pocket you put the money in to check their pockets.
Using the same prop as for the Make Money trick you will wow your audience when you change the coin into a larger coin amount. For example, change a penny into a dime, a nickel into a quarter, etc.
To do this trick:
- Before the show, put a dime or quarter on the base piece and cover it with the secret top.
- When doing the trick for your audience, put a penny or nickel on the secret top.
- Cover the coin and the entire base piece with the larger piece.
- Say, “I am able to grow money whenever I want by just saying the words Abracadabra! Grow Money!”
- Remove the larger piece. The larger coin amount will be there.
This is a slightly different trick using the same Make Money prop. You will amaze your audience with your magical abilities when you flip a coin over without ever touching it.
To do this trick:
- Before you begin your performance put a penny on the base piece and put it so the tails side is showing. Cover this with the secret top.
- During your show, let your audience see the penny and put it heads side up on top of the secret top.
- Cover the coin and the entire base piece with the larger piece.
- Say “Without ever touching the penny and with just a wave of my magic wand I can flip it from heads to tails.”
- Remove the larger piece. The tails side of the penny will be there.
To do this trick:
- First open the cylinder and place either a real coin or the one that came in your magic kit into the bottom piece.
- Put the bottom piece together with the top piece. The top piece has 4 indentions on it. The bottom piece has a little dot that sticks out from it. It’s important that the little dot slides into one of the indentions on the top piece. When the 2 pieces fit together correctly the holes on both the top and bottom will line up exactly.
- Put each of the 5 spikes into the holes on the top piece. Your audience will be amazed when like magic, each spike will pass through the coin and come out the bottom holes.
- Here’s how the trick works: When you put the first spike into the top piece you will press the coin with the spike so the coin turns sideways. This will let the spikes go all around the coin as you place the rest of the spikes.
- Hold the prop with the coin in it in your hand so you can see all the holes in the top piece. Put your first spike in the bottom center hole of the top piece.
- When the spike comes into contact with the coin the spike will hit the outer edge of the coin which will make the spike turn on its side.
- You will know you have it right if the spike goes all the way through the bottom and you can see the rest of the holes in the bottom when looking through the top piece.
- Put the rest of the spikes in the other holes.
- Let your audience be amazed that you have passed the spikes through the coin.
- Remove each of the spikes then open the prop to show your audience the coin is still there and has not been damaged in any way.
This is a really fun trick that will frustrate your audience who will go nuts trying to figure out how you are able to do it but they can’t!
There are 3 parts to this prop – a tube, a rubber band and a stick with a tiny hook on the end.
This trick is entirely an illusion. It is not possible to do this trick but your audience won’t know that.
To do this trick:
- Put the rubber band inside the end of the black tube so that part of the rubber band sticks out.
- Put the stick with the hook on it into the black tube.
- Pull the stick about an inch out of the tube holding the tip of the stick firmly between your finger and thumb.
- Release the tip and the stick will snap back to the tube as if it’s being pulled back by the rubber band.
- After you do this twist the top of the stick a few times to make it look like you are twisting the stick off the rubber band. Then before you do the trick again twist the top again to make it look like you are hooking the rubber band back on the stick.
- Ask an audience member to hook the stick onto the rubber band so it snaps into place.
- It will be impossible for them to do!
- Take the prop from them and again show them how easy it is to do and how you can do it every time. Hand it back to them for another try at doing it. Again, they won’t be able to do it. This will drive them nuts!
- Give other audience members a turn at trying this one. It’s really fun to know the secret of this one and not let anyone else know it. If they want you to show them how you do it just say “It’s magic!”
This trick can make dollar bills disappear. You can see it performed here:
It consists of four items: a large clear tube, a secret small clear tube that fits inside the large one, a dollar bill and a sheet of paper.
To do this trick:
- Before your show put the smaller tube inside the larger one. Make sure no one sees that the secret tube is there.
- When doing this trick sit at a table to do it.
- Ask for a dollar bill from the audience (have one of your own in case no one has one to give you.)
- From the short side roll the dollar bill and insert it into the secret tube inside the large tube.
- Roll the large tube inside the sheet of paper with the opening to either the left or right.
- Once you have finished rolling the tube in the paper, twist the end of the paper on the side that is not open. As you do so turn the tube opening towards yourself.
- Allow the secret tube with the rolled dollar bill to slip out of the tub and into your lap.
- Twist the paper so the open end of the tube is now covered.
- Wave your magic wand and say, “Abracadabra! Disappear this dollar bill.”
- Ask someone in the audience to open the paper. They will see the dollar bill has disappeared.
- While they are opening the paper place the dollar bill and secret tube into your pocket, tipping the secret tube so that the dollar bill falls out of the tube.
- Then let the person go back from your table.
- When the audience member shows that the dollar bill is gone, ask “Where did it go?”
- Wave your magic wand and say “Abracadabra! Dollar bill appear!”
- Put your hand in your pocket and pull out the dollar bill.
- Show your audience.
This is another trick done using the same clear tube. For this trick you will need the large clear tube, secret small clear tube, 2 dollar bills, a sheet of paper and an envelope.
To do this trick:
- Before your show put 2 dollar bills inside an envelope.
- At the start of your show take one of the dollar bills out of the envelope. Make sure no one in the audience sees the other dollar bill.
- Let the audience know you are going to leave the envelope in plain sight. Put it somewhere away from you so everyone can see it at any time.
- Put the dollar bill you have removed from the envelope into the tube and wrap it in paper like shown in the Magic Money Cylinder trick.
- As you do, let the inner tube with the dollar bill fall in your lap but don’t let anyone else see.
- Finish wrapping the ends of the paper around the tube on the open end so that now the tube is in the center of the wrapped paper and the paper at the ends of the tube are twisted.
- Wave your magic wand over the paper wrapped tube and say “Now I’m going to make the dollar bill travel back to the envelope. Abracadabra!”
- Have an audience member unroll the paper and show that the tube is empty.
- Have another audience member open the envelope and see the dollar bill is there.
The tubes used in the Magic Money Cylinder trick can be used to make many other items disappear not just money. Some people like to use a handkerchief (or Kleenex tissue if you don’t have a handkerchief available.) You can use any item you want as long as it is small enough to fit into the secret small tube.
To do this trick:
- Remove the rubber bands and the top clear piece.
- Put a coin in the center of the circle. Place a clear sheet on the table and place the small plastic frame with the circle cut out.
- Put a coin in the center of the circle.
- Put the clear sheet back on top.
- Put the four rubber bands back in place.
- Say, “Oh, looks like the coin is trapped inside.” You can even pass it around for the audience members to see for themselves that the coin is trapped and locked into place.
- Hold the coin case under a napkin.
- Squeeze the sides of the coin case. This will open up the case just enough for the coin to fall into your other hand. This will require practice as you don’t want anyone to see it fall.
- Hide the coin to make sure no one sees it.
- Ask an audience member to remove both the napkin and the still hidden case from your hand. Once they have removed it ask them to show the rest of the audience the now empty case. While the audience is looking at the case drop the coin into your pocket.
This fun little prop called the Money Coin Changer can be used to do a lot of neat tricks. It can make a coin disappear, then appear back again. It can even change one coin into a completely different coin!
For this trick we will show you how to make a coin appear from thin air.
This prop consists of 2 parts: the Slide which has the circle in it where you will put the coin when you do this trick and the part that the Slide goes into which is called the core.
The Slide has a secret compartment that you may not have noticed. It has two circles in it that are side by side, not just one!
To find the secret circle put a coin in the circle and move it from side to side. When it moves you will be able to see the secret circle.
To do this trick:
- Before you show, put a coin inside the secret circle.
- Put the Slide into the base then remove it. Do you still see the coin? If yes, turn the Slide around so the other end of the Slide goes into the core first then put the Slide back into the core. Now when you remove the slide, you will find the coin gone.
- Place the Slide back in the core the same way so the coin stays hidden in the secret circle.
- During your performance, remove the Slide to show your audience the Slide is empty. Make sure you don’t shake it or they might hear the hidden coin inside.
- Now it’s time to ‘trick’ your audience. Without letting your audience know you are doing it, turn the Slide around then put it back in the core. You must practice this a lot before your show to make it seem natural and casual so your audience can’t tell you are doing it.
- Now announce that you will make money appear by magic.
- Say Abracadabra.
- Now remove the slide and show the audience the coin that was hidden. Have the coin fall into your hand and hold it up for the audience to see.
Just like the Coin Changer prop could make a coin appear from thin air it can also make a coin disappear too.
To do this trick:
- Put a coin into the circle of the Slide but do not push it into the secret compartment like you did before.
- Put the Slide into the core.
- Pull the Slide out. Is the coin still there?
Using the same prop, you can change one coin into another. For example, you can change a penny into a quarter.
To do this trick:
- Put the coin you want to change to into the secret compartment. Leave it there.
- Show your audience another coin (ex: a penny). Place that coin into the Slide. Remember which side of the Slide to put in first so the hidden coin appears.
- Say “Presto! Change-o!”
- Pull the Slide back out and show your audience the different coin.
This is a fun optical illusion you can use to amuse your audience.
For this trick you will need the card shown above, a penny, a nickel and a quarter.
To do this trick:
- Show the audience each of the coins and the card. Pass the card around so they can examine it closely.
- Ask them to guess which coin will fit in the center of the table top without touching one of the edges.
- Ask an audience member to fit each of the coins onto the table top and let the rest of the audience know which one fits into the center of the table top without touching an edge.
- Your audience will be amazed to learn that none of the coins will fit!
The next set of tricks uses this really cool ball and stand set.
For this trick you will make a ball magically jump from your pocket to the stand.
To do this trick:
- Before your performance put the ball in the stand. Cover it with the half ball and top.
- During your show tell your audience “I have a ball on this base.”
- Lift the top and the secret half-ball away from the stand. To make sure the half-ball doesn’t spill out squeeze the top firmly as you lift it.
- Take the ball out of the stand. Show it to the audience.
- Say “I am now going to put the ball in my pocket then make it magically jump to the stand.”
- Put the top back onto the stand.
- Wave your magic wand and say “Abracadabra, jump ball!”
- Remove the top. Make sure to leave the secret half-ball on the stand as you do. Your audience will be amazed that you were able to magically make the ball jump from your pocket back to the stand!
- Put the top back on the stand to prepare for the next trick.
This is a trick that continues the Magical Ball trick. You showed your audience that you could make the ball jump from your pocket to the stand. Now you can show them you can make the ball jump back to your pocket.
To do this trick:
- Say “I will now make the ball jump back to my pocket.”
- Wave your magic wand and say “Abracadabra, ball jump back!”
- Remove the top along with the secret half-ball. Your audience will see the stand is empty.
- Take the ball from your pocket and show them.
This trick you will need just the stand, top and half-ball.
To do this trick:
- Before your performance put a couple of drops of water into the stand. It doesn’t need much water! Just a few drops.
- Put the half-ball on the stand, then the top.
- During your show, remove the top. Make sure the half-ball stays on the stand.
- Say “I will now magically melt the ball and turn it into water.”
- Put the top back on the stand.
- Wave your magic wand and say “Presto! Change-o! Melt this ball!”
- Remove the top and the half-ball.
- Turn the stand over so your audience can see the water drip into your hand. Note: If you put too much water in the stand then get a glass to pour the water into. Ask for permission before doing this trick.
- As you drip the water out say “I’ve magically melted the ball.”
This is trick which will have your audience believing a helpful magician’s ghost is helping you with the magic trick.
To do this trick:
- Before your performance on a small piece of paper wite down the words “The ball is in the magician’s right pocket.”
- Fold the paper and place it in the stand below the half-ball.
- Put the top on the stand.
- Put the red plastic ball in your right pocket.
- During your show remove the top and show your audience the half-ball in the stand. Your audience will think it’s a real ball.
- Say “The helpful ghost of a famous magician lives in the ball. Let’s see if we can get him to show himself.”
- Place the top back on the stand and cover the half-ball.
- Say “Mr. Magician, show yourself to us.”
- Look around to see if you see the ghost.
- Say “Where could he be? Let’s see if he is still in the ball.”
- Remove the top and half-ball at the same time. Remember to hold the top firmly so the half-ball comes with it.
- Say “There is a note here!” Lift up the stand to show your audience.
- Ask someone in your audience to remove the note and read it out loud.
- After they do, look in your right pocket and remove the ball.
This trick is one of the most spectacular magic props and one used by magicians a lot. The thumb looks so simple but it can be used to do amazing magic.
For all tricks using the magic thumb wear the thumb on your right thumb. It should feel tight and secure, but leave some space between the tip of your thumb and the magic thumb tip to allow for hidden objects.
During your show make sure the audience doesn’t notice the thumb tip. Either hide it behind your fingers or keep your hands in motion so they don’t see the sides or bottom of the thumb.
Tricks using the magic thumb take practice to get smooth so the audience can’t tell you are wearing it but it’s worth the effort. A Magic thumb trick is always a crowd pleaser.
Now that you know how to wear the magic thumb let’s learn some tricks you can do with it!
For this trick if you don’t have a handkerchief you can use a Kleenex tissue or napkin.
To do this trick:
- Wear the magic thumb on the tip of your right thumb. Remember to leave space between your thumb and the top of the magic thumb to hide the handkerchief.
- Using the tips of your right hand fingers and magic thumb hold the handkerchief.
- Make your left hand into a fist and cover your left hand with the handkerchief.
- As you cover your left hand with the handkerchief stick the magic thumb into your fist and withdraw your thumb so the magic thumb is now off your thumb.
- Quickly push the handkerchief into the magic thumb now inside your left fist using one of the fingers on your right hand.
- As you put the last of the handkerchief inside the magic thumb put your right thumb back inside the magic thumb and remove it from your left fist.
- Once you are wearing the magic thumb again open your hands with your palms facing up so the audience only sees the tip of the magic thumb and say “The handkerchief has now disappeared.”
- You can make the handkerchief reappear. Stick your right hand into your pocket and with your fingers remove the magic thumb. Leave the thumb in your pocket and pull out the handkerchief!
Once you get good at the Disappearing Handkerchief trick this is a fun tone to learn. In this trick the audience never sees your thumb go into your left fist.
To do this trick:
- Follow the instructions for the Disappearing Handkerchief trick but instead of using your thumb to put the last of the handkerchief in the thumb you will use your fingers.
- As you do this use your fingers to tilt the magic thumb backwards so the opening is poking out of the back of your left fist. Remember to only show your audience the front of your fist. You want to hide the opening of your fist and the magic thumb from your audience.
- Pat your right fingers on the top of your left fist and at the same time slip your right thumb into the magic thumb.
- Once you are wearing the magic thumb again open your hands with your palms facing up so the audience only sees the tip of the magic thumb and say “The handkerchief has now disappeared.”
- You can make the handkerchief reappear. Stick your right hand into your pocket and with your fingers remove the magic thumb. Leave the thumb in your pocket and pull out the handkerchief!
This is a variation of the Disappearing Handkerchief trick. In this trick instead of making the handkerchief appear in your pocket you will make it reappear in your left fist.
To do this trick:
- Perform the Disappearing Handkerchief trick but only up until you show the audience that your hands are empty and the handkerchief has disappeared.
- Say “Now I will make the handkerchief reappear.”
- Close your left fist.
- Without letting your audience see the magic thumb put it inside your left fist from the top. As you practice this you can make the closing of your left fist and the insertion of the magic thumb in your fist one motion.
- Use your right hand and slowly pull the handkerchief out of your left fist.
- As you pull the last of the handkerchief out put your right thumb back in your left fist and put the magic thumb back on.
- Later, without drawing attention to it, put your hand in your pocket and remove the magic thumb.
Once you have made the handkerchief disappear this trick makes the handkerchief reappear up someone else’s sleeve.
To do this trick:
- Follow the steps for the Disappearing Handkerchief trick. When it’s time for the handkerchief to reappear say “Where did the handkerchief go? It has to be around here somewhere. I think it’s inside your sleeve”
- Hold the audience member’s wrist with your left hand if they have long sleeves. If they are wearing short sleeves then hold their arm below the sleeve.
- Put the fingers of your right hand on top of their sleeve and slip your thumb with the magic thumb on it into their sleeve.
- Hold the magic thumb with your left hand over the sleeve and as you pull your thumb out of the magic thumb start to pull out the handkerchief.
- Pull the rest of the handkerchief out with the fingers of your right hand and as you do put your thumb back into the magic thumb.
- Say “Voila! We found the handkerchief!”
This trick is another variation of the Disappearing Handkerchief trick.
To do this trick:
- Before you begin the Disappearing Handkerchief trick put your left hand in your pocket and without your audience seeing withdraw a coin.
- Keep your fingers curled in such a way that when you remove your hand from the pocket, the coin is not visible to the audience.
- Perform the Disappearing Handkerchief trick but keep the coin hidden in your left hand as you do.
- As you show them that the handkerchief has now vanished say “Do you know how much that handkerchief cost? It cost this much.” Show them the coin.
Now that you know how to use your Magic Thumb to make handkerchiefs disappear and reappear you can also use it to make other items disappear as well. Anything that will fit inside the tip of the magic thumb can be vanished including water.
Do not do this trick until you have gotten really good at the other Magic Thumb tricks.
To do this trick:
- Place the magic thumb into your left fist as usual.
- Remove your thumb from the magic thumb
- Pour a very small amount of water into your closed fist. Remember – not too much!
- Put the magic thumb back on and then open your hands palms up to show your audience the water has disappeared.
- Later remove the thumb tip in your pocket and have something in your pocket that you can wipe your hands dry on.
The money paddle trick is a simple trick and only requires sleight of hand to trick the audience.
The money paddle has 2 sections: the circle where the coin goes and the handle which extends from the circle.
There are 3 steps of this trick. It’s important to get good at each step before going on to the next one.
For this trick you will need the money paddle and a quarter.
Step 1
- Hold the paddle by the handle using two fingers and your thumb. Hold it flat so the circle is out from you and the audience can’t see the bottom of it.
- Tilt the money paddle down. The circle should be facing up and the audience shouldn’t be able to see the bottom side. This is the Start Position and every time you perform any trick involving the money paddle you will start with the paddle this way.
- Use your thumb to flip the paddle over so the circle on the bottom is now on the top.
- Use your thumb to flip the paddle back the way it was, go the opposite way that you flipped the paddle initially.
- Practice this motion over and over until it’s completely natural and easy for you. Flip it over, then flip it back, flip it over, then flip it back.
Step 2
- Position your money paddle in the Start Position.
- Turn your whole wrist over so the inside of your wrist is now pointing up. Don’t flip the paddle. Keep the paddle in the same position and just turn your wrist over. This will naturally turn the circle to the other side.
Step 3
- Combine what you did in Step 1 with what you did in Step 2. As you flip your wrist over (stage 2) flip the paddle one time just like you did in stage 1. To your audience this will look like you are showing a different side of the paddle but really the same side of the paddle will be showing twice!
- Practice over and over until you can do this move without anyone knowing that you are flipping the paddle.
The sleight of hand motion you just learned to do with the Money Paddle is called the Paddle Flip.
Now that you have gotten good at the Paddle Flip it’s time to learn some tricks that you can do with your money paddle that will impress your audience.
For this trick you will need the money paddle and a quarter.
To do this trick:
- Put a quarter inside one of the circles. The quarter should fit very well and not move. Some quarters move a bit so if you don’t have a quarter that will fit well put tape on the underside of the quarter so it stays secure in the circle. Don’t let your audience see the quarter.
- Bring the money paddle to the Start Position with the blank side showing. Remember – don’t let your audience see the quarter.
- Do the Paddle Move to flip the money paddle so that it shows both sides of the money paddle are empty.
- Say “I’m going to now make money appear.”
- Say, “Abracadabra!”
- Turn over your wrist to show that the quarter has appeared!
For this trick you will show your audience that you can multiply the quarters.
To do this trick:
- After your last trick when the quarter is showing to your audience then say “I will now multiply the quarters.”
- Say “Quarters multiply!”
- Perform the Paddle Flip so that your audience sees the quarter again. This makes it seem like the quarter is in each circle of the paddle!
In this trick you will convince the audience that you have 2 quarters instead of just one in the paddle.
To do this trick:
- Before you do this trick, hide a quarter in the hand not holding the money paddle. Make sure your audience doesn’t see this.
- Show the audience the quarter is on both sides of the money paddle using the Paddle Flip.
- Reach under the paddle to remove the quarter from the bottom of the paddle.
- When you bring your hand back up for your audience to see it will now have the quarter you hid in your hand before the trick started. This will make your audience think you had quarters on each side of the money paddle!
In this trick you will make the audience think you have removed the quarter from the money paddle.
To do this trick:
- Before you do this trick, hide a quarter in the hand not holding the money paddle. Make sure your audience doesn’t see this.
- Show your audience the quarter in the money paddle.
- Move your free hand over the paddle. As you do turn the money paddle so the empty side is facing up and show your audience the quarter you had hidden in your free hand so it looks like you removed it from the money paddle. This may take some practice to get it looking smooth.
- Let your audience see you drop that quarter in your pocket.
- Do the Paddle Flip and show your audience that each side of the money paddle is empty.
- Say, “Abracadabra! Quarter come back!”
- Turn the money paddle over to show that your magic has made the quarter jump from your pocket to the money paddle.
For this trick you will make the quarter disappear.
To do this trick:
- Show your audience the quarter on your paddle.
- Perform the Paddle Flip to show the coin is on each side.
- Put your free hand under the paddle and make believe you are removing the quarter on the bottom.
- Make a fist and pretend the quarter is in it.
- Blow on your fist to show that you are making the coin disappear.
- Open your hand so your audience can see the coin has vanished in thin air.
- Flip the paddle over to show that the quarter has disappeared.
- Snap your fingers then do a paddle flip so that the audience can see both sides are empty.
- Say “It’s hard to see money go but that’s okay. With magic you can always get the money to come back.”
- Say “Abracadabra!”
- Turn your wrist over and show the quarter in the money paddle.
To get the quarter out of the money paddle gently tap it against a table, bend the end just a bit if you need to. Careful! Don’t break the money paddle as you do this.
The 2 cards in your magic kit look normal but when you look at them more closely you will see they are not. One card is called the Two faced Card. It has a card face on both the front and back (ex: a Jack of Clubs on one side and a 2 of Hearts on the other). The other card is called the Double Back Card which shows a card back on each side.
When you do this trick for your audience you want to make sure that they don’t see that the cards are special.
To do this trick:
- Put the Two Faced card on top of the Double Back card like a fan. The card isn’t directly on top like in a stack but spread like a fan with the top card angled to the right like shown in the photo above.
- Hold both cards in the bottom center with your thumb on the top card and your finger on the bottom one.
- Show your audience the cards then turn your wrist. As you do use your thumb to slide the Two Faced card to the left. Your audience will now see the other side of the Two Faced card. When they do they will think it’s the second card!
- Turn your wrist back over and as you do move the top card back to its original position angled to the right.
- You want to make sure these motions are very smooth so practice them until they look very natural.
- Still holding the Two Faced card so your audience can see it, place it behind your back.
- Ask someone in your audience what card you have behind your back. They will naturally say the one they just saw.
- While the Two Faced card is behind your back turn it over so the other side is face up.
- Ask them “Are you sure?” as you bring the card from behind your back and show them it’s the card on the other side!
This is one of the oldest magic tricks in the world. It is a sleight of hand trick so the more you practice the better you will get at it and the more natural your movements will seem.
In the French Drop you can make any small object disappear in your hand. Common items that are made to disappear are coins or small balls.
To start practice with a coin. If you want to go to a ball later start with one of the balls from the cup and balls trick then work your way up to the real ball used in the ball and stand trick.
To do this trick:
- With your palm facing up, hold a coin in your left hand using your first and second fingers and thumb. Your fingers will naturally curl when you do this.
- Pretend to reach for the coin with your right hand with your right palm facing down.
- As you reach for the coin, put the thumb of your right hand under the coin and curl your fingers around it.
- Cover the coin well with your right hand then sneakily make it fall into your left hand.
- Make a fist with your right hand and bring it up to show your audience. At the same time have your left hand which has the coin in it drops straight to your side.
- Slowly open your right hand to show the audience that it has disappeared.
- After you show the audience the coin has disappeared you can drop the coin in your left hand into your pocket.
This trick takes a lot of practice before it’s ready for an audeince but it’s well worth the effort as it’s always a crowd pleaser.
magic prop comes with an open ended tube and 4 beads total – 2 big beads and 2 small beads. Two of the beads are the same color. If you look closely you will see that those two beads are just a bit bigger than the other two beads.
Because these two beads are bigger they are too wide to go through the tube. So, if you put one in one end of the tube it won’t come out the other end.
This is what let’s you fool your audience!
To do this trick:
- Before your show put one of the bigger beads inside the tube. Make sure during your show you keep the tube flat so the secret bead won’t fall out!
- During your show, “Say: “Remember the order of the beads.”
- Put one of the smaller beads inside one end of the tube.
- Put the other small bead inside that same end
- Put the larger bead inside that same end.
- Ask someone in the audience “What is the order of the beads?”
- When they tell you say “That’s what they are now but when I say “Presto! Change-o!” the order will change.
- Say “Presto! Change-o!”
- Now angle the tube down so the beads come out the other side. The audience will see the secret bead come out first followed by the smaller beads as if you changed the order by magic!
The large bead you put in last will still be in the tube. If someone in your audience wants to examine the tube hand them the beads first to look at then when they are looking at those tilt the tube so the secret bead falls in your hand.
Exchange the beads for the tube and then put all the beads in your pocket.
This is another magic trick that uses the same prop as the Puzzling Beads trick.
This trick should be done at a table. Have the tube standing upright on the table and the 2 smaller beads and 1 larger bead sitting next to it.
To do this trick:
- Before you do this trick, hide the other larger bead in your hand near your palm between your pinkie and ring finger. If you are doing this one after the Puzzling Beads trick then as you are setting up this trick you can secretly reach into your pocket and get the hidden bead from there.
- To start the trick, pick up a smaller bead with your other hand and place into your hand with the bead you have hidden. Curl your hand into a loose fist.
- As you do this say the color of the bead.
- Pick up the other smaller bead and put it inside your fist which contains the 2 other beads. Say the color of the bead.
- Put the larger bead into the tube standing on the table.
- Say “Abracadabra!”
- Pick the tube straight up so your audience can see that the bead has vanished.
- Open your hand to show all the three beads.
This trick can be a stand alone trick or a continuation of the last trick.
To do this trick:
- Do the Moving Beads trick but instead of putting the tube into your pocket after you are done leave the tube standing up on the table. The tube will still have the hidden bead inside it. Put the other beads in your pocket.
- Pick the tube straight up to show your audience that the tube doesn’t have a bead inside it. Show your hands so they can see you don’t have anything hidden in them.
- Make a few magical gestures over the tube. While you are doing so be sneaky about it and turn the tube over.
- Say “Abracadabra! Bead appear!”
- Lift the tube away. Your audience will now see the bead.
- It will seem to have appeared magically from thin air!
This is a really neat trick that combines the Bead from Thin Air trick and the French Drop trick.
To do this trick:
- Do the Bead from Thin Air trick like normal but stop before you lift the tube away.
- Pick up the second large bead and make it disappear using the French Drop trick.
- Lift the tube away. The bead that you just disappeared now reappeared from thin air!
This trick is performed with the magic case shown above. It may seem simple but it can perform really cool magic.
To do this trick:
- With your palm up, put the lower part of this box on the upper part of your fingers.
- Put a coin in the box. A quarter is best if you are going to follow this trick with the Penetrating Coin trick below.
- When you reach for the box top lightly curl your fingers over the box which will naturally let the box flip over in your hand and the coin will come out into your hand.
- Put the box top on the bottom of the box NOT the top.
- Your audience will think you have put the box top on top and the coin is trapped inside.
- Remove the box from your hand and put it on the table. Make sure no one sees the coin in your hand when you do this.
- Quickly toss the box into the air. When it lands back on the table it will break apart. Your audience will see that the coin isn’t there. It disappeared! Make sure to toss the box in the air quickly so that your audience won’t be able to see the box top is really on the bottom not the top.
Here is another trick you can do with the magic box above.
To do this trick:
- Before your performance take a permanent marker and put an X mark on a coin. A quarter works best for this trick.
- Put this coin beneath a plate.
- When you do your show, let your friends so a different quarter and make an X mark on that quarter. Remember the X marks should look the same on both quarters so draw it the same way you did on the quarter you hid.
- Put the quarter inside the box. As you do this, secretly hide the quarter in your hand. You will need to practice this move to make sure the audience doesn’t see you do this.
- Say “I will now make this quarter disappear and reappear on this plate.”
- Make a few magical gestures and say “Abracadabra!”
- Open the box and show your audience that the coin is not there. It has disappeared!
- Look at the plate. The quarter will of course not be on top of it.
- Say “That’s strange. It should be on the plate.”
- Lift the plate.
- Look shocked that the quarter is there. Pick up the quarter to show your audience.
- Say “Wow! I’m better at this magic stuff than I thought!”
- Your audience will think it’s the same quarter you put inside the box.
This is an amazing optical illusion trick performed using the two magic boomerangs shown in the photo above.
Take a look at both boomerangs now. Put one boomerang on top of the other boomerang. You will see that they are both the exact same size.
To do this trick:
- During your show, use a table and place one of the boomerangs above the other boomerang.
- Put them on the table one directly over the other when you use them in your show.
- The bottom boomerang looks bigger! As you know it isn’t but this is an optical illusion that can easily fool anyone.
- To sell the illusion even more, take the top boomerang off the table and make believe your are stretching it out.
- Put the boomerang back on the table but this time instead of putting it above the boomerang that is on the table place the stretched one below it.
- Now the one that was shorter looks longer and the one that was longer looks shorter!
- Do this a few more times to amaze your audience.
- Say, “Now let me make them each the same size.”
- Snap your fingers.
- Place the shorter one on top of the longer one so your audience can see that they both are the exact same size.
This cool magical device will enable you to make objects do all kinds of fun things including vanish, re-appear and change to another object. disappear, appear and also change from one thing to another.
This magic prop has 3 parts to it: the large tube, the small tube that fits inside, and the top. The small tube should be kept secret and your audience should not know about it.
To do this trick:
- Put the small tube inside of the large tube and put the top on it.
- Hold one hand on the large tube.
- Using your finger and thumb of the other hand, hold the top between your finger and thumb and pull the large tube down.
- When you do this, the top and the small tube will be together and now away from the large tube.
- Make sure your fingers curl around the small tube so you hide it from your audience. They should only see that you are holding the top in that hand.
Practice this move in front a mirror until you can hide the small tube from your audience every time.
In this trick, you will use the Money Tube to change a dollar into a penny.
To do this trick:
- During your performance, show your audience a dollar bill.
- Fold it up so that it fits inside the small tube.
- Say” I will now use magic to make this dollar vanish.”
- Do a few magical motions over the tube.
- Remove the cap and small tube as you learned to do in the Money Tube trick.
- Turn the tube over to show it’s empty.
In this trick you will make the dollar reappear from thin air.
To do this trick:
- Do the Disappearing Dollar Trick above.
- After you are done the bring the large tube to your other hand where the top and small tube are.
- Slide the large tube under the cap so that it covers both the cap and the small tube.
- Remove the cap. As you do this hold the edge of the large tube so that the finger holds down both the large and small tubes.
- Keeping your finger on the edge holding the two tubes together tilt the large tube so that the dollar bill falls out.
This one can take practice to get it so the audience can’t see the small tube.
This is a variation of the Disappearing Dollar trick. You will turn the dollar into a penny then make the dollar reappear.
To do this trick:
- Before your show put a penny at the bottom of the large tube. Put the small tube and cap on like normal.
- During your show say “I will now make this dollar bill vanish and reappear.”
- Do the Disappearing Dollar trick except don’t turn the large tube over to show it’s empty. Just tilt the tube to show your audience the inside of the tube is empty.
- Say “Now I will make the dollar reappear.”
- Bring the large tube to your other hand where the small tube and cap is.
- Slide the large tube under the cap so that it covers both the small tube and cap.
- Remove the cap and small tube as you learned to do in the Money Tube trick.
- The large tube will still look empty. Pretend like you are surprised by this.
- Turn it over and let the penny fall out.
- Say “Whoa! Inflation is crazy these days!”
- Slide the large tube under the cap so that it covers both the cap and the small tube.
- Remove the cap. As you do this hold the edge of the large tube so that the finger holds down both the large and small tubes.
- Keeping your finger on the edge holding the two tubes together tilt the large tube so that the dollar bill falls out.
Your Money Tube prop can be used for many other tricks. Here’s another one which shows a message from a friendly ghost to a member of your audience.
To do this trick:
- Before your performance, on a small piece of paper write something about someone who will be in your audience. For example, their name and birth date, or age, etc.
- Put the message in the large tube.
- Put the small tube inside the large tube and put the top on.
- When you do your performance, display a blank piece of paper. Remember to make sure that the blank paper is the exact same size as the one you wrote your message on.
- Fold up the blank sheet of paper and put it inside the small tube.
- Say “There is a ghost of a friendly magician who lives inside this Money Tube. I’m going to ask him to write something about [name of person.]”
- Do a few magical motions over the tube.
- Remove the cap and small tube as you learned to do in the Money Tube trick and hand the large tube to the person you wrote the message about.
- Ask the person to read the message out loud.
This is a cool magic trick performed by a Mind Reading box prop. It has 3 parts to it – the box, the top of the box and the cube with pictures on each side.
To do this trick:
- Show the audience the cube and the box.
- With your back to the audience member, have him or her and put the cube into the box with whatever picture they want on top, then put the box into your hands which are behind your back..
- Turn around so you are now facing your audience. Ask your audience member to think of the picture on top and picture it in their mind.
- While your hands are behind your back remove the box top and put the box top on the side of the box.
- Place the box top on the side of the box. This way it covers part of the picture so the cube won’t fall out.
- Move the box so your audience can see it. Make sure that the side showing the cube is facing you. Hold the side where the picture is with your right thumb.
- While you are holding the box out to show the audience glance at the open side of the box so you can see what the picture is that the audience member chose. Do NOT stare or be obvious about looking at the box.
- Pretend that you are trying to read the audience member’s mind.
- Tell them which image they chose.
- Place the box into your pocket so no one can see it.
This is a contiuation of the Mind Reading Trick.
To do this trick:
- Do all the steps of the Mind Reading Trick but don’t place the box into your pocket at the end.
- Hand the box back to the audience member who chose the picture for them to look at and make sure that it’s the same picture they chose.
- As you hand the box to them, use your left thumb and fingers to remove the lid and use your right thumb to rotate the open side forward so to your audience this looks like you are just removing the lid to show them the picture in the box.
- Let the audience member inspect the lid, the box and the cube.
This one takes practice to get it smooth, but it can be really neat once you get it down.
This is a variation of the Mind Reading Trick in that you can show your audience that all sides of box are closed. Only you will know that one side of the box is open.
To do this trick:
- Do the Mind Reading Trick.
- As you do it hold the box with your left thumb on the bottom right corner of the box on the open side and your first finger on the top left corner of the box top that is away the farthest from where your thumb is.
- Use the first finger of your right hand to ‘spin’ the box at an angle.
- Make sure to hold the box below your audience’s eye line. This way they won’t be able to see the open side of the box.
In this trick you will read an audience member’s mind to determine what object they picked out after you leave the room.
To do this trick:
- Before your show ask an audience member to help you.
- During your show you will ask the audience member to select an object while you are out of the room. You will then read their mind to find out what object they picked.
- Before your show, you and the audience member agree which item he or she will pick.
- During the show when you are out of the room ask the audience member to pick up the object and show the others in the audience so they will all know what object he or she selected but not say it out loud so you won’t hear it.
- When you come back in the room, have the audience member point to 5 different objects and include the one that was chosen.
- When he or she finally points to the object you agree on before the show say “That’s the one!”
This one is a variation of the trick above.
To do this trick:
- Before the show agree to what object the audience member will select but also agree to one that he or she will think of picking but won’t.
- During the show the audience member should act like they aren’t sure which of the two objects to choose but in the end selects the one you both agreed to.
- When the audience member points to the 5 objects they will point to the one they pretended to want to choose.
- Act like you may want to say this is the one they picked. Say “Ooh. You’re thinking about this one a lot but no. You didn’t choose this one. You tried to fool me but this is not the one.”
- When he finally points to the object you agreed on before the show say “That’s that one!”
The wand in your magic kit looks normal but it is more than it seems. When you know the secret to it you can make it look like it is floating in air.
To do this trick:
- Pull the white cap from the end of your magic wand with the cap between your first two fingers. BE CAREFUL not to pull it too hard! You don’t want to snap the elastic.
- Using the same hand with the cap in it, rest your first finger and thumb about 1/3 of the way up the wand. Don’t go too far! You don’t want to break the elastic. Make sure the string is behind the wand so your audience doesn’t see the string.
- Release your hold of the wand. Your audience will see the wand lift up out of your hand as if it’s rising in thin air!
This is a basic trick but it can be super helpful to know when doing more and different card tricks. It let’s you control which card an audience member chooses.
This trick works with any deck of cards.
To do this trick:
- Before your show put whatever card you want as the first card on top of the deck. For example, the 6 of diamonds.
- Ask an audience member to cut the deck then put the top part of the deck they just selected onto the table.
- Place the lower half of the deck across the top half so the 2 parts of the deck make a “T” shape.
- Say “Remember, the audience member cut the deck wherever he wanted.”
- Remove the top part of the deck that you placed on the lower half and ask another audience member to get the top card from the part of the deck the audience member set down and make sure not to let you see it.
- The card they remove will be the card you ‘forced’ them to pick. It’s the card you put on top of the stack .
- Shuffle the cards and then spread them out in a fan shape with only the backs showing, then shuffle them again.
- Say “Your card is the 6 of diamonds.”
In this trick, you will have an audience member choose a random card from a pack of cards and show it to everyone. You will then shuffle the deck and then pull the card the audience member chose out of the deck.
To do this trick:
- Before your show, take a card from the deck and make a slight crease diagonally across. Then make another crease diagonally. The creases should form an X shape.
- Place that card on the top of the deck.
- Ask an audience member to choose a random card.
- Have them show everyone except you the card.
- Place this card on top of the creased card.
- Shuffle the deck.
- Place the deck on the table.
- Using your finger flick the cards from the center of the deck and let them fall open on the table.
- Keeping flipping small amounts of cards, until you catch sight of the creased card.
- The next card in the deck will be the card the audience member chose!
This trick will require you to call a friend or relative for help with the trick before your show.
To do this trick:
- Before your trick, call a friend or relative. Let them know that they will get a phone call asking for “The Psychic “The Great Bazza”.”
- If your phone has a speaker phone with it tell your friend or relative that they will be on speakerphone.
- When you call they should say “The Great Bazza knows all. You are in the middle of a card trick. The card selected is the Jack of Diamonds. “
- During your show do the Cross Cut Force trick to force an audience member to select the Jack of Diamonds.
- Have them call your friend or relative on the phone and put it on speaker phone where everyone can hear.
- Your friend on the phone will say “The Great Bazza knows all. You are in the middle of a card trick. The card selected is the Jack of Diamonds. “
For this trick you will need two pennies and one quarter.
To do this trick:
- Before you begin this trick put a penny in one of your hands and place the quarter over it. Put the other penny in your other hand. Make sure the audience doesn’t see you put the hidden penny under the quarter!
- Open your hands to the audience so they see the quarter in one hand and the penny in your other. Make sure they don’t see the hidden penny.
- Now tell the audience that you are going to put the penny in your pocket.
- Making a big deal out of it show them you are putting the penny in your pocket. Keep your other palm open the whole time so they can see the quarter.
- Show your now empty hand and the hand with just the quarter in it.
- Close both palms together and shake them.
- As you do say, “Abracadabra! Multiply!”
- When you shake the quarter in your closed fist, the penny placed underneath shakes too.
- Open your hands and show the audience that you now have a penny along with a quarter in them.
- Set those 2 coins onto the table then remove the penny from your pocket.
- Say “That’s how you multiply money.”
This trick takes practice but is really cool once you can do it.
To do this trick:
- Show the audience that you have a coin in your hand.
- Slowly rub this coin on the palm of the other hand and while doing so, it actually disappears.
- What you have to do is that while rubbing the coin on the palm, you don’t actually take it on the palm, you use your middle finger cleverly to place the coin at the backside of your hand, while showing the audience that you are rubbing the coin on your palm.
- Then say, “Abracadabra, the coin has vanished!”
- The coin will stay put at the back of your hand, while you show the audience that it longer is in your palm.
In this trick, you show the audience that you have no coin in your hand. Then suddenly, you move your fingers and show as if the coin appeared from thin air.
To do this trick:
- Before you do this trick, place a coin on the webbed skin between your thumb and first finger. Place it slightly at the back and try to hold the coin with your thumb, such that the coin does not show on your palm.
- Show the audience that the palms of your hands do not have any coins in them. Wiggle your fingers as well when you show them.
- Say “Abracadabra!” at the same time you give a little shake of your hands.
- As you shake your hands a bit quickly bring the coin to your palm from the back of your hand and pretend as if it just appeared from thin air.
In this trick, you show the audience that how the coin still remains in your hand, when you have actually given it to the other hand.
For this trick you need a quarter.
To do this trick:
- Take the quarter in the fingers of one hand and make the audience believe that you are putting the coin into the fingers of your other hand.
- The audience should be convinced that you have moved the quarter from one hand to the other hand but you will actually keep the quarter in the hand it started in.
- As you pretend to move it to the other hand, instead put the quarter along the webbed skin between your thumb and first finger (like you did in the No Coin Trick). Place it slightly at the back and try to hold the coin with your thumb, such that the coin does not show on your palm.
- Wiggle the fingers of the hand your quarter started in to show it isn’t still there.
- Then wiggle the hands of the hand that you pretended to move the quarter to to show it is empty too.
- Say “It isn’t in either hand! It vanished!”
For this trick to work you have to be really fast with your movements and it takes practice to get it so the audience won’t notice what you are doing.
To do this trick:
- Take a quarter in one hand and hold it with your first two fingers and your thumb.
- The audience should only see the back of your hands.
- Show them that the coin is in your right hand.
- Turn your hands over and in a quick movement squeeze your fingers so that the coin moves.
- As it does quickly catch it with your left hand fingers, then put it on the back of your palm along the webbed skin of your thumb and first finger (like in the No Coin trick) without the audience noticing what you are doing with your left hand.
- While you are doing this make gestures with your right hand to distract your audience.
- They will think that the quarter disappeared by magic, when actually, it will be caught by your left hand.
- Show them the left hand palm and fingers so that they can see the quarter is not in that hand either.
For this trick you will need a coin with a small piece of double sided tape stuck at one end.
To do this trick:
- Before your show put a small amount of double sided tape onto one side of the coin.
- During your show, show the audience that you have a coin in one palm and the other palm is empty.
- What your audience doesn’t know is that the coin in your hand is stuck to your palm with the help of the double-sided tape.
- Flip the hand with the coin with it over the other hand so it looks like you have dropped the coin into your other hand.
- Close the fist of your other hand and pretend that the coin was moved to your other hand but really the coin is still stuck to the first palm.
- Move the palm with the coin towards you such that the back of your hand faces the audience.
- Using your thumb, unstick the coin stuck to your palm and with your hand still turned over the coin will go to the table.
- Show the palms of both hands to your audience, making sure to hide the coin that is now on the table. As you do say “The coin has vanished.”
In this trick, you will pretend to make a coin disappear into your skin.
To do this trick:
- Sit at a table and roll up your sleeves.
- Take a coin and start rubbing it on your elbow.
- While rubbing, drop it on the table.
- Pick it up and start rubbing again.
- Drop it again, and pick it up again.
- Repeat rubbing the coin on your elbow and drop it the third time.
- This time, pick it up with your other hand but continue pretending to rub your elbow with the hand you have been rubbing it with.
- Pretend that the coin has disappeared into your skin. Show the hand that you have been rubbing with is empty.
In this trick, you just need a coin and a table.
To do this trick:
- Put the coin flat onto the table.
- Show your audience that your palms are empty.
- Now start rubbing the coin on the table with one hand.
- Keep doing it very fast.
- As you are rubbing it, quickly push it towards the edge of the table and onto your lap.
- Continue rubbing as if nothing has happened.
- Then move your hands to show that the coin has disappeared.
With this trick you will make a coin appear from thin air.
To do this trick:
- Before your show fold a piece of paper in half. Glue the 2 sides shut and leave the top side open.
- Drop a coin into the opening at the top of the paper.
- During your show, show your audience the sheet of paper – both the front and back. To them it will look like just a normal half sheet of paper.
- Fold the paper into 3 equal parts, keeping the top side open the whole time.
- Show them that you have nothing the in your hands.
- Show them the now folded paper.
- Say, “A coin will now magically appear from the paper.”
- Flip the paper quickly into your palm and let the coin fall in your palm.
- Show your audience the coin.
This is a really neat illusion. It requires a spoon,
To do this trick:
- Hold the spoon so that your fists cover the handle and all the audience sees is the scoop part of the spoon (the head).
- It will look like you are clutching the spoon with both fists but you will really just hold it by the little finger of your bottom hand.
- As you push your fists down the spoon head will go up so it looks like the spoon is bending. What your audience can’t see is that you are just loosening your hold on the spoon with your little finger.
- As you pull the spoon back up tighten the grip of your little finger then show your audience the spoon is fine and back to its original shape!
In this trick you will make a coin in your hand disappear then reappear inside a pen cap.
For this trick you will need a coin and a pen with a top on it.
To do this trick:
- Put the coin in the palm of your hand.
- Tap the coin with the pen 3-5 times.
- As you do the last tap quickly toss the coin into your hand holding the pen without your audience seeing it. This requires some practice to be able to do it so your audience can’t see the coin move to the new hand. Once you get good at this the coin will move faster than eye can watch it move!
- Once you have made the coin disappear then uncap the pen cap from the pen. As you turn the cap over into the hand with the coin in it open your hand that has the coin in it. Your audience will think that the coin came out of the pen cap.
With this trick your audience will see the coin in one hand and then suddenly see the coin in your other hand.
To do this trick:
- Show your audience the coin in one palm and the other palm is empty.
- Turn your hands over very quickly so that now both palms are on the table and the audience sees the back of your hands.
- As you turn your hands over toss the coin to your other hand. This requires practice to get fast enough to do this so your audience doesn’t see the coin going from one hand to the other.
- The hand is quicker than the eye so once you practice this your audience won’t be able to see the coin move to the other hand.
- Hold up both hands.
- Your audience will now see that the coin has jumped from the hand it was in to your other hand without them seeing it!
With this trick you will show your audience a quarter but then will change it to a penny in front of their eyes.
To do this trick you will need a penny and a quarter.
To do this trick:
- Without your audience seeing you do so put the penny behind the quarter and show the quarter to your audience.
- Hold the coins between your first finger and thumb so your audience sees the quarter.
- Wave your other hand in front of the hand with the coins.
- As you do this, use your middle finger to push down on the quarter so the quarter flips down. Use your other fingers to pull the quarter into your hand while the penny is now visible between your first finger and your thumb.